Docker images for OpenUI5
I created a set of Docker images that contain the OpenUI5 runtime library. They are available for download at Docker hub.
Developing UI5 apps means to try out things and to support the final app. You may have the challenge to find out up to which library version your app works or when it is broken. For this, it is necessary to have a range of versions of the UI5 library available. OpenUI5 makes the latest supported version of their library available for download and there is also a CDN with a list of older releases. The CDN is the way to go when you have to do some backward testing as it also contains the SDK. To make use of an older UI5 version, just point to it. Example for 1.28.6:
To make use of the older releases, you must have internet access. That may not always be the case. In that case, you`ll have to download the resources. From the OpenUI5 project home you can right now download the latest version of 1.26, 1.28, 1.30 and 1.32. You can either download the SDK or runtime version or use the online version. But you`ll depend on what UI5 is offering online. This causes a problem when you have to do offline testing or the library version you need is not made available for download by OpenUI5. Having the libraries on CDN implies that you can access the CDN. Good luck for your CI builds or automated testing when you are behind a corporate proxy. Some CI setups also do DevOps, and when you have to reflect some operational configuration in your web server setup, you`ll have to set up somehow your own OpenUI5 environment. Something a CDN only supports partly.
What to do when you want to have the libraries available locally, in your intranet, on a computer without internet access or for your CI build? Easy: just download the files and host them on a web server like apache. This gives you still just one version of OpenUI5. Repeat this for each new version of OpenUI5 and over the years you`ll get a nice archive. To get a OpenUI5 library repository with all released version, you can make use of the fact that the project is open source and hosted on GitHub. And all versions tagged. It`s easy to build each historic version out of the git repository. Build it, put it into an apache www directory, and you can access it via a browser. This is easy, but takes some time.
To help you out with your OpenUI5 CI projects (or bug hunting, compatibility checks, etc), I created some Docker images. These images contain a set of OpenUI5 libraries and can be used in your CI setup or to try out OpenUI5 in a simple and easy way without having to install something besides Docker.
Docker image: openui5
Contains the latest released OpenUI5 library. The image is automatically build using my Docker file hosted on GitHub.
- Size: 212 MB
- Get image: docker pull tobiashofmann/openui5
- Start container: docker run –d –p 50000:80 –t tobiashofmann/openui5 /usr/sbin/apache2ctl –D FOREGROUND
Access to libraries:
- 1.32.9 (latest): http://<your docker server>:50000/resources
- 1.30.11: http://<your docker server>:50000/1.30.11/resources
- 1.28.25: http://<your docker server>:50000/1.28.25/resources
- 1.26.16: http://<your docker server>:50000/1.26.16/resources
Docker image: openui5-sdk
Contains the latest OpenUI5 SDK. Compared to the above image, you get also the documentation, samples, etc, as well as the latest stable library.
- Size: 165 MB
- Get image: docker pull tobiashofmann/openui5-sdk
- Start container: docker run –d –p 50000:80 –t tobiashofmann/openui5-sdk /usr/sbin/apache2ctl –D FOREGROUND
- Access to libraries:
- http://<your docker server>:50000/
Docker image: openui5-rt.
Contains all openui5 library versions. The images is automatically build using my Docker file hosted on GitHub. Contains ALL OpenUI5 versions. You get >70 versions accessible via Apache. Each version is hosted under /<version>/resources. Example: /1.34.2/resources.
I had to face some Docker hub build restrictions, which impaired me to offer just one image. Right now I have one image for each minor tagged version (1.26, 1.28 -> 1.34). The images are cumulative. 1.26 gives you the version from 1.25 to 1.26, while 1.34 comes with all version from 1.25 up to 1.34. I guess in the near future I`ll also create images that only contain the versions of each minor release (only 1.28.*, but not 1.26.*).
- Size: 1.34: 877 MB
- Get image: docker pull tobiashofmann/openui5-rt:<tag>
- Start container: docker run –d –p 50000:80 –t tobiashofmann/openui5-rt
- Access to libraries:
- 1.32.9 (latest): http://<your docker server>:50000/1.32.9/resources
- 1.32.8: http://<your docker server>:50000/1.32.8/resources
- 1.32.7: http://<your docker server>:50000/1.32.7/resources
- You get the idea.
- Oldest version: 1.25.0