How to manually upload an SAP Note in SNOTE
My small demo system is not connected to SAP Market Place, and therefore I cannot download notes from transaction SNOTE. To implement the needed note, I`ll have to download and apply the note manually. I will use SAP Note 2222774 as an example. Open the SAP Note in a browser and select download.
This adds the note to your download basket.
Go to the download basket to download the file.
Click on the link to start the download. It’s a 6.3 MB file.
Extract the TXT file inside the downloaded ZIP file.
If you want, you can look at the content, but you won`t understand a lot.
Upload the note to SAP NetWeaver ABAP system using SNOTE
Goto -> Upload SAP Note
Select the extracted TXT file.
The SAP Note appears now in the note assistant worklist.
The status of the note is given as “can be implemented”. Let`s do this.
Confirm that you have read the note. Some notes come with manual steps, that won`t be execute by SNOTE (yes, talking to you, BASIS guy with 15 years of experience). If you have read the note and are aware of possible manual steps, click on Yes.
SNOTE starts implementing the note. In my case, I am working in the personas namespace and therefore will get a warning message. I confirmed that I am an adult.
A workbench request is needed.
Create a new request.
Confirm the changes applied in your system.
SNOTE shows the updated status of the note.
When you start implementing the note, SNOTE tries to check if there is a newer version available online. This will result in an error message: No RFC connection. Obviously, that`s why I downloaded the note. What now?
Hints can be found in the context help of the dialog.
SNOTE checks by default if a newer version is available. For this, RFC connection is needed. If this won`t work, the note can still be installed.
1 Comment
Linkin · November 18, 2017 at 21:51
Thank You for this post.
Helped me Implement a quick fix, in the absence of my Basis Person.