SAP Inside Track Joinville 2015

Published by Tobias Hofmann on

2 min read

Our 1st SIT at Joinville at PUC university in Joinville. Besides SCN as the main communication channel for announcing the event, we had an own website of the event as well as apps for iOS and Android. Over the website + apps (all done in UI5) it was also possible to give feedback of the event. As there are several large SAP customers in Joinville, overall reception of the event was good. We had 114 on site participants! We recorded the sessions, streamed them to Youtube and for those behind a proxy, made them available as an HLS stream for app and modern web browsers.


Official site SAP Community Network
Edition 12
Date 14.8.2015
Location Universidade Católica de Santa Catarina, Joinville, SC, Brazil
Twitter #sitjoi
Sessions 23
Speakers 21
Tracks 2
Participants 114
Tweets 1062
Twitter reach >1.500.000

Event Schedule

Session vídeos–sit-joinville-2015 



Sergio Oliveira e Calixto Herkert Desafio Fiscal Brasileiro – Como Cumprir?
Marssel Vilaça Passo a Passo Para Iniciar Uma Carreira SAP
Marlo Simon Eduardo Chagas e Marssel Vilaça Palestra de Recepção
Marlo Simon Vamos com Node.js? Sim, você vai precisar disso no mundo SAP
João Norberto Santos Junior SAP UI5, conceito, funcionalidade e como se encaixa no SAP Fiori
Jackson Donadel Salesforce Integration with ECC via PI
Guilherme Seabra Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Móveis com Fiori, SAPUI5 e NW Gateway
Fabio Pagoti Componentes do UI5
Fabio Pagoti HANA XS Data Services
Eduardo Chagas Business Rules Framework +
Cristiano Molognoni Desenvolvendo uma Aplicação UI5 no HANA
Bruno Lucattelli Machine Learning 101 – Por Onde Começar
Allan Silva HANA Cloud Platform and Integration with SAP R/3



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Categories: SAP

Tobias Hofmann

Doing stuff with SAP since 1998. Open, web, UX, cloud. I am not a Basis guy, but very knowledgeable about Basis stuff, as it's the foundation of everything I do (DevOps). Performance is king, and unit tests is something I actually do. Developing HTML5 apps when HTML5 wasn't around. HCP/SCP user since 2012, NetWeaver since 2002, ABAP since 1998.


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